The best Mother's Day gift you could give yourself is a HUGE pat on the back. Whether your children are small, or grown and independent a Mother never stops giving of herself to her children. Both physically and emotionally. Mother's are the ROCK and the backbone of the family, and her love is unconditional know matter what.
As I have learned these past five years, Motherhood is very "trying" at times. Some days are better than others. From the times when my children are acting out of control and fighting to the point where Im about to pull my hair out, or when I get the teenage "attitude" when I tell my stepson to pick up his clothes for the fifth time. Not every moment is a Hallmark moment. LOL!
Regardless of the bumps and trying times, there are more precious moments that I have with my children that will a fill a lifetime of memories.
My children are my world, and it's my job to be the best MOM that I can be.
I reach over….give myself a pat on the back, as you should as well…. because we deserve it! 🙂
Happy Mother's Day!!!!
That’s the truth!!! …and I will:) Happy Mother’s Day to you Jenn!
Yeah! Happy Mother’s Day sweet Jenn!
Happy Mother’s day, sweets! Well put too!
I really needed to read that today! It has been rough around here!
Hi Jennifer ~~ Stopping by to catch up on your classes. Amazing work and what fun you all had! I will be back to read more.
Wishing you a delightful Mom’s Day!
Your work is wonderful!
Happy mother’s day!!!
That is so wonderfully put Jenn! Have a Wonderful Mother’s Day!!
Huggs, Nancy
Hi Jenn! Happy Mothers Day!! Thank you for sharing all of the gorgeous event pictures! I have really enjoyed reading all about your beautiful weekend! I hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day!!
xoxoxoDesi Anne
Have a beautiful Mother’s Day, Jenn!
hugs, Sherry
happy mother’s day, jennifer!
have a beautiful one!
so true. Sometimes I could scream, then the little rascal says something like ‘mum… I loves you’ and that’s it. All forgotten!
Best job in the world.
Hope you had a wonderful mother’s day.
No being a Mom is not always a Hallmark moment, LOL. But so so very worth every smile and every tear.
Thank you Kathy! I hope you had a lovely Mothers Day! XOXO
sweet sentiments Jenn!!! i hope your mother’s day was wonderful!!!
Hope you had a Wonderful Mothers Day! Stop On Over I’m having a Virtual Baby Shower for my daughter Breezy, games and prizes, would love to see you there! Let’s Get This Party Started!! Hugs, Diane
Happy Mother’s Day to you too Jenn! {HUGS} Heidi
Belated happy mother’s day. Keep posting!