Birthday boy turns 6!

  1. Megan says:

    I can not wait to see the Fancy Nancy Party!! I love those books.

  2. Oh my goodness Jenn the kids are growing up so fast!
    Grant can’t be 6 already! Naw that would make em older! 🙂
    I am glad the weather behaved for the birthday party!
    What a fun party bus!
    Smiles, Dolly

  3. Rachael says:

    fun, fun, fun!
    Happy late birthday to Grant!
    The mama’s and papa’s are going to have to watch their daughters, Grant is a real cutie! lol
    Why is your grass and all the neighbour hood grass brown in the winter? Or is it summer for you?

  4. My Niece has had 4 Fancy Nancy parties!! She’s obsessed lol! The Tumble Bus is a crack up. Send it this way, my almost 8 year old would go bananas!
    Happy Birthday Grant! xo

  5. Karen says:

    Grant sure is cute and so is Vivian. TWO KIDS PARTIES BACK TO BACK..WHEW. Its a magical time in life… enjoy it,it really does fly buy.

  6. vivian says:

    what a fun party! I think with 4 children I must have thrown at the very least about 40 birthday partys! We always chose a theme of somesort, circus’s, soccor, barbie pizza party, carnivals, sweet 16’s and craft partys. I wish I could think of them all. Then there were the graduation partys. partys and gifts seem to get more expensive as they get older! YOure a good mom Jenn. I bet Grant had a great time.

  7. Julie Marie says:

    Hi Jenn… Happy Birthday to your darling little Grant!… your children are just precious!… it looks like such a fun birthday party for all… I also love, love love the bunny slippers in your previous post!… soooo sweet, how could anyone have ever parted with those?… but lucky for you that they did!… love to you… xoxo Julie Marie

  8. chinamommy says:

    Awww, he is so cute! Doesn’t time just fly? My 1 and only will be 8 in July and I am DYING! I’m already crying thinking about the fact that in 2-1/2 more years she’ll be 10! ugh, double digits!!! Enjoy every second. Fancy Nancy- can’t wait to see!!!

  9. Heidi Meyer says:

    Such cutie pies! Time flies by so much faster than I want it to. My baby boy will become a teenager this summer (Lord help me,lol!) and I can’t belive how fast 13 years have flown by! Sending best birthday wishes to those sweetie pies!

  10. Karla Nathan says:

    What fun! I’ve never seen one of those buses, but it sure looks like something I’d have a blast in too. What a great idea for a party!
    Can’t wait to see the Fancy Nancy pictures.

  11. sadie says:

    happy birthday to your little man. They do grow up quickly, far too quickly. My little girl starts school at Easter, and I feel bereft. However, I know she will love it, so I feel happy for her too.
    Had a quick catch up with you, those little bunny slippers are just adorable! They must have been treasured by some tiny tots in the past.
    Belated I know, but I wish you a very happy 2011

  12. Jojo says:

    Happy Birthday Grant! Can’t wait to see what you do for the Fancy Nancy party!

  13. Charlene says:

    Happy Birthday Grant!!!! What a fun idea for a party!
    Thought I’d let you know I just did a post & gave you & your event a little plug. I can’t wait to sign up. HUGS!

  14. Kerennguyen says:


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