
"Design with a hint of elegance and a shimmer of magic."

design + inspiration blog

Day out with Mrs. B

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Last Saturday I decided to treat Mrs. B to a girls day out. She has been so helpful to me these past several weeks and I wanted to spend some quality time with her to show her my love and appreciation for all her help. 


 Mrs. B is my Mother, and her name is Blythe. My Mother works for my husband and about a year ago his "all ladies" staff started calling her Mrs B.  She likes to be the office care taker  aka "Mother Hen" to the ladies in the office and to my husband as well. LOL! It's like she's taking care of her little chicks and making sure everyone is well fed (she cooks lunch somedays, and even brings breakfast to work), feeling ok, needs extra help, run small errands, and basically making sure everyone is happy. My mother has a vivacious firecracker personality and is super bubbly! You cant help but like her once you meet her.   

I cant help but giggle everytime I hear someone call her "Mrs. B."  I instantly think of Aunt Bee from The Andy Griffith show.


I took Mrs. B to historic Perry for a day of shopping, lunch, and driving around admiring the historic homes. 

                                               So beautiful! 


             We shopped at Carrie Lynn's antiques in Perry.


 The owner Cindy Coller is so incredibly nice and welcoming. It made the shopping experience that much more enjoyable.

DSCN4815_edited-1 copy                                      Such a cute house!


                                  The lovely  Mrs. B


I found this darling childs wicker chair that will look pefect in Miss. Vivi's room.


Inside, I spied these too too cute little spaghetti poodle figurines.



After a little shopping we dined at "The Swanson" for lunch.


                       A darling historic house on the square.




We had a wonderful lunch with plenty of time to catch up and share stories.


               It was a lovely Saturday spending quality time with the sweet Mrs. B… Mother and friend. 


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Sparkling Magic Wishes!

June 6, 2009

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