Eye Candy 4 Years Blog Birthday Giveaway!!!!

  1. Congrats Sweetie! You have a great blog! I always enjoy it so much! xoxo Jennifer

  2. Linda Diane says:

    Happy Happy Bloggin’ Bday to You, Jen! Such a beautiful lady and a beautiful blog! Those giveaway items are lovely lovely. You have a great vacation with that sweet family of yours.

  3. Melissa says:

    What an adorable give-away! Thank you for offering it to us.

  4. lori says:

    Happy birthday!!!

  5. Kim Caldwell says:

    Happiest wishes to you sweet thing. . .

  6. Erin Parker says:

    Congratulations. Your blog is so sweet.

  7. Jenn….Happy Blog Birthday. Your blog has brought so much sunshine to my life. Thank you.
    xxoo Valarie

  8. Happy bloggy 4 years old! I love all the pretty and sweetness here. What you will be giving away is precious!

  9. Congrats Sweetie! Those giveaway items are lovely lovely. Your blog is so sweet!

  10. Happy 4 bloggy years to you!!!! You blog is one that I have followed for a while now. I feel like I know you. If I was to see you I would be able to say Hi Jennifer and you would not even know who I was!! HAHA What a sweet giveaway. I should be so lucky to win!!!
    Blessings and Hugs too, Deanna!!!!!

  11. Happy Blog-i-versary dear friend!

  12. OMG Jenn!! Congratulations!!! I have been missing your beautiful creations for so long!! I LOOOOVE that necklace!! Do you have any for sale?? And those tags are to die for!! I would love to win. I am such a big fan of yours and love everything I have bought from you soooo much!! I am so happy to see you creating. I would love to win this giveaway 🙂 You are so generous!! Your blog has been my favorite since the first time I discovered it four years ago 🙂 I miss our chats 🙂 I bet you are busy creating so many beautiful things in your amazing new studio 🙂
    Big Hugs,

  13. Karla says:

    Happy bloggy birthday Jenn! Wishing you many more years of blogging bliss.

  14. Gerry Kruse says:

    Please don’t stop your blog…ever! I always look forward to seeing your pictures, projects, children…..and you always have such happy colors! Happy 4th! Enjoy your vacation, and be sure to take lots of pictures 😉 Love the giveaway.. 🙂 Gerry

  15. Julie Weller says:

    Happy Blog-Birthday, Sweets!! ♥♥♥

  16. Maija says:

    Happy Blogday Jenn!! You are fabulous!!!

  17. Keren Nguyen says:

    Hi Jenn.Happy Blog Birthday Yeah!!!!!!Every time I wake up and see your blog it bring the biggest smile to my face.You have inspire me in so many ways.Thank you.

  18. Diane says:

    Happy Birthday~ I have had a wonderful time reading all your lovely Posts, you always make me giggle~
    Hugs & Sweet Kisses, Miss Diane

  19. Kim Budash says:

    Pick me, pick me, Just kidding, but I love your style and your blog and I would LOVE to win anything from you. Thanks for the chance, also, have a great vacation and I hope you enjoy BEAUTIFUL weather!

  20. Rebecca says:

    You always have the sweetest, yummiest posts! Happy 4th Birthday, Sweet Eye Candy Creations!

  21. stevie says:

    Oh my heavens!!! Such a beautiful giveaway! Happy Happy 4th Birthday! Your blog is always so dreamy, as are your creations! xo

  22. Congrats on 4 years. It’s always nice to visit your blog and see such beauty. Thanks for the giveaway…crossing my fingers. Rachel

  23. Rachael says:

    4 Years Jen! I must be the same, need to go check! Happy blog a birthday to you and happy family vacation to you! Rachaelxo

  24. Michelle Evans says:

    Happy Birthday to your blog, it is so much fun for me!! Have a great vacation, I need one so bad!! I can’t wait to see your finished studio and new kitchen!!

  25. Suzanne says:

    Happy Bloggy Birthday Jenn! Life is sweet with you in it!
    Ciao bella,

  26. Elissa says:

    Congrats! Your blog always makes me smile!

  27. DEBBIE BELL says:

    Happy Blog Birthday Jenn!! Love your blog & your creations!!
    Always sooo beautiful!!!
    Deb:) xoxo

  28. Rhonda C. says:

    Happy 4th Birthday to your most wonderful blog! Have a lovely vacation!

  29. Wanda Contreras says:

    Hi! I found your blog this year but one lazy day I read all your blogs entries and I fell in love with it!!! You are very sweet lady and your kids are adorable. I got plenty of ideas like the gumball creations. I bought gumballs but my pre teen kids ate all of them so for now is full with trim and looks like ribbon candy.I painted pink!!! I want to thank you for your blog that put a smile on my face everytime you post something!!!
    best regards,

  30. holly says:

    Hi Sweetie! Happy blog birthday! Isn’t it amazing to think back to when we first started blogging? Time sure has flown by. Like you, I’ve loved blogging so much and am so grateful for all the wonderful connections I’ve made. What a sweet treat to give away too! The necklace is ahhhh-dorable! Hope you’re having a great week!
    PS – I’m sure you heard about the big antique flea market taking place in Savannah this fall. They are advertising it like crazy in all the country homes/living magazines. Let me know if you don’t know about it.

  31. ladyemilyceo@aol.com says:

    ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ~ I met you in Florida when you were here for the craft event and LOVED your creative crafts. Remember I’m the one who lives in the “Disney Town” of CELEBRATION, FLORIDA!!!
    I hope I win these goodies!!! 🙂

  32. Wanda says:

    Have a wonderful vacation! I am crossing my fingers that I win! I love your blog.
    Thanks so much,
    Wanda :~)

  33. Kristin says:

    GORGEOUS “presents” and BIG congrats on your birthday! I always enjoy your sweet blog!

  34. claudette f. says:

    Wow! What an accomplishment! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that I would be the lucky one! Love your blog! Have a wonderful vacation.

  35. Shelley Gomez says:

    Oh How I would love to win these gorgeous goodies!!! Happy Birthday Eye Candy Creations~A job well done and wishes for many more years!
    Your friend Always, xoxox

  36. Barbara says:

    Best wishes on your Blog’s Birthday! 🙂

  37. Congratulations my dear friend! I love visiting your beautiful blog. Thank goodness for blogging, I found you!!!
    And you reminded me, I completely missed my four year bloggiversary in March, lol!

  38. Carol says:

    Happy Bloggy Birthday! I love visiting your gorgeous blog and am looking forward to many more amazing posts. I hope you are enjoying a much earned vacation!

  39. Julie Marie says:

    Hi Jenn… happy 4th blog birthday!… your creations are all so adorable!… how is your new studio coming along? Can’t wait to see pics!… hope you have a wonderful time on your vacation and a Happy 4th of July!… xoxo Julie Marie

  40. Mary Zywar says:

    Hi Jenn!
    Congratulations on 4 years of blogging!
    Thats terrific!!

  41. Karla Nathan says:

    congratulations on your 4th year!

  42. Julie Ann says:

    Happy 4th blog birthday!!! May there be many, many more! 😀

  43. evelyn says:

    Happy Blog Birthday!
    Evelyn P.

  44. SuZeQ says:

    Oh, Jennifer, I would so love to win this giveaway. I love your blog – everything is always coated with sugar! Can’t wait to see what you’re going to do in your studio. I know you won’t disappoint!

  45. Marian says:

    Happy Blog-o-versary, Jenn! Congratulations!!!

  46. wendy greenspan says:

    I just found your blog today – but i think i will be enjoying it a lot. Thanks for the giveaway.

  47. Jenn says:

    Happy blog birthday!!! It’s been wonderful reading your posts all these years!!!

  48. Paula says:

    Jenn, I feel you a dear friend! Your blog brings me smiles with the whimsy, and enchanting projects as well as topics that you share. Can’t wait to see more of your new studio. What a great new project kicking off your 4th birthday! Always sending blogger blessings & crafty luv:)

  49. Shawna Mahan says:

    Love your blog and am a new follower too!

  50. Mrs. Tricia K. says:

    Hi Jen, Congrats on your four years of fantastic blogging!!!! I know when I first found your blog spot I thought I died and went to some sort of a crafters creative heaven!!!! I thought to myself OMGoodness is this place dreamy!!! Can I come and live in here!!!! So just so you know I’m very thankful for your fun little slice of heaven you have to offer us!!!
    Big Congrats again to you Jen!!!
    Hugs to you my blog world friend!!!
    Tricia k.

  51. Kimla says:

    Congratulations on a very special blog! You have a fun and unique style and I really appreciate how authentic you are in your posts. So very readable and relatable. kimla

  52. Terri Gordon says:

    Hello and Happy Birthday to your beautiful blog. I love to visit, you always have such beautiful photo’s. Thank you for the opportunity to win and have a wonderful vacation. Terri

  53. Patty says:

    Love to visit your blog. Happy Birthday. You are fellow glitterholic like me. Congratulations on your studio.

  54. Jenn – Wishing you many more blog birthdays! You are so sweet to have such a cute giveaway. Have a great holiday with your family!
    xo Rochelle

  55. Beth Davis says:

    Happy Blog Birthday, Jenn! You’ve got one of the best blogs I’ve ever seen!

  56. ♥ OMG I’m in love with these ♥ I met you at the Marie Event in Florida this year. Remember I live in the town DISNEY built of CELEBRATION, FLORIDA!!! These would be PERFECT for my daughter’s upcoming birthday party and all my friends in CELEBRATION could see and fall in love with your Sweet Candy Creations!!!!

  57. Oops I forgot my email address. ladyemilyceo@aol.com

  58. Happy 4th Blog Birthday. Time does fly when your having fun
    please enter me in your drawing for that necklace & goodies. I love how you use the doll heads in your creatins

  59. Debbie~ says:

    Hi Jennifer, I’m so excited to have this opportunity to possibly win all of the goodies your
    offering for your blog’s birthday!!! I fell in love with your adorable blog header the first time
    I found you, and knew I’d found ‘someone special’, and I was right! Your blog has the perfect name
    because YOU do make, the most wonderful ‘Eye Candy’!!! Hugs, Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  60. chinamommy says:

    Happy Happy Birthday to one of the 1st blogs I ever read and hands down, my FAVE!!!
    Love you and your sweet blog!! Ohhhhh, pick me, pick me!!

  61. Sheilah says:

    Congratulations and Happy Blog Birthday!

  62. Natasha May says:

    Happy 4th Birthday..I love your work and your blog
    Enjoy your party Luv Natasha May

  63. OH how fun! I’ve always enjoyed visiting your blog, probably since day one! Happy 4th Birthday! I hope you’re having a good vacation. I sent a package to you for your event today! Hugs, Heidi

  64. Chani says:

    Congrats, 4 years is a long time! Your blog is so sweet and I enjoy it very much.

  65. Lisa Muncy says:

    Hello! I found your blog about 2 months ago and stayed up late for many nights just so I could read each and every one of them, right down to the very first one! I enjoy them very much, you are so talented! You have a lovely family! One of these days I’d love to attend one of your hosted events, I have a lovely pink parasol I could have worn to Petticoats and Parasols, LOL! I have 4 little ones at home, so I know how busy it is to take care of family and have time left over for crafting and planning. Please post vacation pics soon, and happy 4th Birthday Blog!! muncymomma@mdigitalaw.com

  66. Nadia Pipola says:

    congrats on your 4 year blog birthday, i always look forward to your new blog entries, xoxo Nadia

  67. cindy craine says:

    Happy Birthday, love that dress! And you even baked a cake, well of coarse I want to win, pick me! I’m also a blond! Perfect! Love your posts as always, come see me!

  68. amy.bauer416@gmail.com says:

    Yeah for FOUR for a blog I ADORE! Here’s to four more of eye candy amour! Your giveaway is delicious. – Amy Bauer amy.bauer416@gmail.com

  69. Tanya says:

    Thanks so much for the sweet giveaway and happy blog birthday 🙂

  70. Rebecca says:

    I don’t know when or how I found you in blogland, but youre the first blog I check each day to see if youve posted. I’ve read all your past posts and love to hear about your adventures. Congratulations and happy 4th birthday!

  71. Hello, Happy 4th blogging birthday! Your blog is beautiful and I love your home in the magazines you’ve been in.
    Fabulous giveaway, I’d love to enter
    Hugs, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  72. Becca says:

    Happy Blog Birthday to you!
    It’s a joy to celebrate with you ~ the chance to win the sweet goodies is just “icing on the cake”!

  73. Shannon says:

    Hi Jenn,
    Congratulations on 4 years of your lovely blog! I hope you have a wonderful vacation with your family! Hope you have a Happy 4th of July!
    Shabby Shan’s Cottage

  74. Marsha Albee says:

    Happy Blog Birthday! What a “sweet Giveaway.
    I LOVE your Blog!

  75. Alice Mattera says:

    Happy Birthday Jennifer- love your blog!!!

  76. Michelle says:

    I so enjoy your blog. It just makes me happy to look at! Keep doing what your doing! Can’t wait to see pictures of your new gorgeous studio:) Love your kitchen makeover too and the adorable petticoat table and chairs you made for your daughter! I showed my 11 yr old and had to pick her jaw up off the floor! Anyway, love what you do!
    My Blog: http://www.apinchofprim.blogspot.com/

  77. Congradulations on your blog anniversary!!!! You have the funniest style and I love to see what creations you come up with.
    I tried to leave a comment before-I guess it didn’t take. I’ve been following your blog for so long-I love your wonderful style and can’t wait to hear about all your new adventures! I’ve read all your past posts to catch up on things I might have missed and check out your blog each day to see if you’ve posted!
    Best Wishes!

  78. sadie says:

    happy blog birthday Jenn!
    lovely goodies. :O) xx

  79. Daisy says:

    Hi. I would like to enter in your giveaway…..my email is: Pinkstilettos4@gmail.com

  80. Giselle says:

    Hi Jenn, I have so enjoyed following your blog! You have such similar tastes to myself and my mom! Happy birthday! your gifts would look stunning displayed in my new craft basement! 🙂

  81. angela meeks says:

    I am so glad I found your blog all those years ago, can’t believe it has been this long…Happy Blogging Birthday(maybe that doesn’t sound so nice-sounds like I’m cursing at you), anyway Congrats and I love visiting you! Hope you all are having fun in the sun.

  82. ♥ Only 3 more days until we find out who wins these Goodies. Eek!!! ♥
    P.S. Mickey Mouse says “hi”
    ~Melisa in Celebration, FL

  83. Debra says:

    Hello from the dry old desert of the southwest! Congratulations on your four years of blogging! I love your creations! Thank you for the chance to win!

  84. Amanda says:

    Happy Blog Birthday!

  85. Erica says:

    Happy blog birthday! Hope your vacation was a blast.

  86. Leslie Anne says:

    OH what sweet delights! I would love to win them! Happy, happy Blog Birthday! Leslie Anne (lilacsandviolets1 at yahoo dot com)

  87. Sandy says:

    Happy blog anniversary Jen! I didn’t know that you started blogging so close to the time that I did (August 9th it will be 4 years). I can’t believe how fast the last 4 years have sped by. I love reading past blog posts and seeing how my art has changed and all the friends that blogging has blessed me with. Thanks for the chance to win one of your sweet creations! Your birthday post is too cute!

  88. Happy Bloggy Birthday…I love your wonderful Blog !!!
    Have a nice day

  89. shelley mcnair says:

    Happy Birthday Eye Candy Creations & Jen! I have truely enjoyed reading your blog over the past several years! Sending wishes your way for another four years full of sprinkled cupcakes,pastel bunnies,gooey gumdrops and everything sweet!

  90. I sure you enjoyed it very well, Your blog has brought so much sunshine to my life. It is very colourful and best to share with us.

  91. Nancy says:

    Oh Happy, Happy Blog Birthday to You!! Such a wonderful Occaisson when you starting sharing all your wonderful Post with Pretties & Dreams! Here’s to another wonderful Year Jenn, Bottoms Up!!
    Huggs, Nancy

  92. Sadie Lou says:

    Happy 4th Birthday! I have been a big fan for at least 3 of those four years. You are so super sweet and I’m glad I got to meet you in person too.
    xoxo ~Sadie Lou

  93. Jennifer – Congratulations on reaching your 4-year milestone! I’ve only recently started visiting your blog and am always charmed by your posts and pics. You bring so much inspiration to many of us out in Blogland – thank you! Many more years of blogging success to you 🙂

  94. Congrats to you on your 4th year of blogging. Your blog is always so pretty and sweet.
    love you sweetie pie,

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