Ghost, Ghouls, And Glamour Girls Swap SHOW AND TELL!!!

  1. totally collection of treasures – especially the doll head brooch – very cool indeed – also the necklace at the bottom is super fab!

    you done real good, girl!

  2. Julie Marie says:

    Ooooh Jenn… I LOVE it all… simply bewitching!… the sweater clip you made is so enchanting and Vivi looks adorable in it as well… what a fun package you sent… and received!… love love love your Betsey Johnson necklace, and yes, you will rock it!… love all Betsey’s things too!… and that card “Don’t hate me because I am glamorous”… cute!… Happy Halloween to you!… I sent you an email a while back, not sure if you received it or not?… much love, xoxo Julie Marie

  3. SuZeQ says:

    Sooooooooooooo sweet. Love it all!

  4. Karen says:

    Jen you always design the most wonderful pieces. They are real collectors items.You guys swapped some great items.I can’t believe how Viv has grown up! when I stated reading your blog she was a baby. She sure is pretty.

  5. Wowzer Jenn! I think this is the cutest sweater clip you have made so far! What a lucky pair of girls! Your necklace from Grace is to die for! You have so many fun things for each other!! xoxoxo Jennifer

  6. vivian says:

    adorable!! what a great swap!
    glad I joined in the fun.

  7. Barbara burkard says:

    This was such an amazing swap! Thank you for hosting! !

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