
"Design with a hint of elegance and a shimmer of magic."

design + inspiration blog

I Believe…..



No matter how old or young you may be, you are never too old to believe.


This time of year tends to get crazzy hectic for us all, and for me I can get overly stressed trying to rush thru and get everything accomplished and just perfect before Christmas. Hmm…I wonder where I get that type A personality from.

MOM!!!! 😉

Sometimes I even fail to stop and enjoy the Christmas magic along the way, because Im busily checking off my to-do list.


That's when I decided to step back and really evaluate the whole meaning of it all. It's not the end of the world if I don't decorate the staircase with Christmas garland, or my Christmas cards go out the WEEK of Christmas.

What's most important is I slow down a bit and enjoy this exciting time with my children and family. 

Remember as a child you believed so hard in the magic of Christmas? The bright lights always seemed 10x brighter, and every toy and decoration was more and more magical than the next. 




Sparkle and shine!

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Is it just me but didn't candy canes seem taste better when you were a child?



Every year I looked forward to the old classic hits that connect me to my childhood. A time of pure excitement and anticipation of waiting for Santa.







Get in touch with your inner child and  Believe in the magic and joy of the holiday season.

If you want to share and pass it along. Feel free to grab this button and display on your sidebar. 




As a little gift from me to you in celebrating the season, I want to give you a FREEBIE image that I digitally designed.



Please feel free to use if for your own personal use. 🙂

You can make some cute gift tags like I did.





 Happy Holidays dear friends!


A little something to make you smile and bring back memories.



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Sparkling Magic Wishes!

December 14, 2010

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