Hi Friends!
I’m excited to share with you my DIY makeover of my kitchen brick wall, and cupboard.
I did a full youtube video of the makeover.
You can click here to watch.
I have this wonderful exposed brick wall that I love so much.
It’s gives the kitchen extra charm, warmth, and character.
However…I’m not the biggest fan of red brick.
It’s been a goal of mine for many long years to paint it white.
Last week, I finally checked it off my house to-do list!
The results are incredible!!
This is the BEFORE
Big difference, huh?
LOVE the new look!
It freshens and brightens up the kitchen!
Over the summer I discovered this Limewash paint by Romabio Classico.
The limewash was a very easy and simple process.
I was amazed at how well it covered.
I opted to use less water so the limewash was thicker and less transparent.
All I can say is WOW!
It’s truly amazing what little paint can do!
A night and day transformation.
I am tickled pink with this makeover!
Let me know what you think!
Happy Creating!
I have always wanted a cottage so I could make it fun and bright like this kitchen! Afraid at my advanced age it will never happen so I love seeing yours!