A Prairie Fairytale Dream Come True Part II

  1. Oh, what a weekend! These gorgeous pictures come as close as possible to capturing the feeling & the magic of the event. It was spectacular, Jenn! I am ready to go back! Hugs to all of my fiends, old and new, who shared this special weekend!
    Xo Andrea

  2. Linda Diane says:

    So happy to find Part 2 up today! Beautiful out of doors, beautiful ladies and their outfits, beautiful projects, beautiful decor. More proof that this was a magical experience extraordinaire. Would have loved to have been there.

  3. Heidi Meyer says:

    Jenn, this fairytale weekend was so magical!! You deserve big hugs and a thousand fairy kisses for putting together such a beautiful event! I have such wonderful treasured memories of this special weekend with old and new friends. Thank you so much! xxoo Heidi

  4. Nicole says:

    Hey Jenn-
    Mom and I wished we could have been at your event, but alas, she was having open heart surgery in Cleveland. We were back in Asheville the weekend of your event, but she was in full recovery mode. I wanted to let you know that Martha was my pediatrician for the first 18 years of my life. That was too damn funny seeing her with you — it’s been a while since I’ve needed a pediatrician. 😀 She also used to do live nativity scenes every Christmas with all her animals. Such a small world.

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