Southern Belle in Savannah

  1. Heather says:

    Happy Mother’s Day to you too. That candy matching game is soooo cute. I have never been to GA but it looks so charming.
    Sending you good thoughts for your sweet Alli.

  2. Adla says:

    what lovely shops you visited. Have yourself a wonderful Mothers day 🙂

  3. Victoria says:

    What a fabulous post… I’m desperate to visit Savannah and even more so seeing your beautiful photos!!!
    I have that cook book too…. I can’t help but drool when reading through it!!!
    Thinking of Alli and hope you have a lovely weekend,
    Victoria xx

  4. Good Morning Jen!
    Thank you, thank you, for taking a picture of that wonderful red sofa in Paris Market – I totally forgot to do that when I was there! I loved seeing YOUR photos of Savannah – how I wish we had been there at the same time, instead of a few weeks apart! I took SO many pictures because the place is so dreamy! Now how did I miss Vintage General??? Where is it? I’m so sad that I did!!
    I hope you have a beautiful Mother’s Day sweetie and thank you, as always, for your BEAUTIFUL BLOG!!!

  5. Sandy says:

    Good mourning Jenn,
    Im so sorry your furry baby has been ill,
    My doggies are like my childen as well and I know how upset I would be.
    And also thank you for all the pictures of your trip to Savannah. They were so beautiful! I really really want to go there!!!!!

  6. Lori says:

    Hi Jenn, wishing you a wonderful Mothers Day for tomorrow…sorry to hear about your sweet Alli, poor baby… the pictures of your trip to Savannah are gorgeous…the shops look SO fun and the goodies you got are really cute!!!

  7. Mary says:

    Savannah looks divine! As long as I’ve lived in the South, I’ve never been (not even when I lived in Jacksonville). Looks like I’ve been missing out! Hope your pooch is better soon.

  8. jessi nagy says:

    Hey Sissy!!
    i love it down there. gorgeous!!
    you hit all hte great stores!!
    how perfect is that candy game! cha ching. you hit the jackpot with all your purchases!
    glad to have you back.
    Have a lovely Mothers day!
    big sissy!

  9. Oh Jennifer! I am ready to hop on a plane to Savannah right now!!! How beautiful! Your purchases are wonderful! We are so alike, I love chocolate and any candy, lol! I am going to have to tell Chad, this is where I want to go on our next trip!
    I am so sorry about your poor sweet doggy. I hope she is feeling better! I know how much I love mine and cant imagine her suffering.
    I hope you have a beautiful Mother’s Day with your sweeties!

  10. Mandi says:

    I hope your puppy (They’re all puppies to me!) is ok, it’s good to hear she’s not in pain, she just needs depends and one day we will too. I don’t know if this actually works or even if it works with all dogs, but my friends parents have a yorkie that is prone to seizures and they rub her belly to help calm her down. like i said, they might just think it works, but maybe their vet suggested it.
    Your trip to Savannah looks beautiful! I always wanted to visit there so now at least i was able to do it vicariously through you. I love that Vintage General shop, what a great idea! And probably even greater to shop in!

  11. Jenn,
    I hope your dear puppy feels better soon! Of course he looks happy to see you whenever you walk in the room. I would too. You are the candy lady!
    Thank you so much for showing us those lovely pictures of Savannah. I’ve never been, but boy I would rush right down there just to scoop up some of the candy treasures you purchased on those lovely shops. I adore the Vintage General Shop!!!
    I am glad to see you back home and blogging again.

  12. lori says:

    Jenn, I love that game! Everytime I see it I want to buy it for myself. Lovely trip!! Bet Grant and Vivi were glad to see their pretty Mom come home!!! If you get a sec could you stop by I have a big favor to ask!!! Here’s wishing you a fabulous Mother’s Day!!! Love ya,Lori

  13. chriistina says:

    Happy Mother’s Day Jenn!
    Your sweet dog looks so happy and i am so glad she’s comfortable. What a wonderful friend she must be all these years.
    Savannah looks devine! My son will be at Savannah College of Animation and Design in a year~the Vintage Shops look gorgeous and so fun!Thanks for the tour and show and tell~Oh so delicious as all your posts are.

  14. Cindy says:

    Happy Mother’s Day Jenn! I’m sorry your sweet pup isn’t doing well. I hate that. I love Savannah and all of their town squares and beautiful homes.

  15. What a fabulous post. Full of eye candy!!! And you sooooo make me want to get bangs! What a fun, fun blog. And I sure hope your pup is having a easier time of it. Happy Mom’s Day to you!

  16. Jennifer says:

    What dreamy homes those are! I love driving around in new places and looking at older homes! I LOOOVE your new tin.. and please take me to Vintage General with you 😉
    Take care
    xo j.

  17. Karla says:

    Savannah is one of the top places I want to visit! I talk about it all of the time – hopefully within the next year or so we will be able to make a trip down. I love all of your goodies – that cookbook is wonderful my sister has a copy – delicious!

  18. sita says:

    Those homes are gorgous and those shops! Oh my I don’t know how you dragged yourself away. Hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day

  19. Holly says:

    Another GREAT post, Jenn. Such pretty pictures and it looks like you’re having fun as always. So sorry to see that your furry four-legged has been ill. My thoughts and warm wishes are with you – I know how difficult it is when our pets are ill. We just wish they could speak to really tell us what’s going on.
    Have a great week and happy belated Mother’s Day!

  20. Diana Wood says:

    Hello Sweetie Jenn!~
    Would be honored to be entered into the “BloggAnniversary”!
    Your ‘sweet eye candy creations’ are divine!
    Congrats for June 25, 2008 XXOO
    loves, diana (cupcakesugar)

  21. Kay Bryson says:

    Love your blog so much, love all vintage things, please enter me in your give-away.
    Thank you so much, Kay

  22. cheryl ryan says:

    Love your blog… and Hope to win your goodies…. I am new to your blog… but love love love everything about it….
    Especially the color PINK!!! You really have an eye for great things…keep it up!!!

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