1. Hi Miss Jenn! Back home from vacation and just had to pop on over and say Hi! Beautiful gift from sweet Jessi and the other lovely ladies!! Birthday Betsy is SO cute!! And we adore what you made for Easter already!! So sweet 🙂 While you have Spring Fever we are so looking forward to Autumn decorating and cool weather!! lol!! Have a fabulous time in the snow, throw some snowballs for us, we love snowballs!! Jenn and Jacqui XOXO

  2. Hi Miss Jenn! Back home from vacation and just had to pop on over and say Hi! Beautiful gift from sweet Jessi and the other lovely ladies!! Birthday Betsy is SO cute!! And we adore what you made for Easter already!! So sweet 🙂 While you have Spring Fever we are so looking forward to Autumn decorating and cool weather!! lol!! Have a fabulous time in the snow, throw some snowballs for us, we love snowballs!! Jenn and Jacqui XOXO

  3. Jenn your egg ornaments are gone already!!! They are the cutest things, I’ve never seen anything like them! Loving your Easter bits and pieces and can’t wait to see when you get all the decor out.
    Will you be away on your birthday?
    If you are, have a fanstastic time and please come back with all bones intact!!! Have an awesome time and I am sure you will be spoiled rotten on your b’day.
    Thanks for the lovely award, you’re such a sweetheart. Looking forward to our chat when you get back and can’t wait to come over and meet you in the real world!! xoxo

  4. Candice says:

    I’m getting spring fever soooo bad. I keep seeing all the cute spring decorations of birds nests and birds eggs and it makes me want to start decorating now and buy them all up!

  5. vivianneroni says:

    Hi Jenn, you must have sold your sweet little egg decorations up in a heart beat.. I looked for them and they were gone! will you be making more? idea! want to swap one of your sweet eggs for one of my chickies!?
    have a great weekend Jenn!

  6. vivianneroni says:

    Hi Jenn, you must have sold your sweet little egg decorations up in a heart beat.. I looked for them and they were gone! will you be making more? idea! want to swap one of your sweet eggs for one of my chickies!?
    have a great weekend Jenn!

  7. Adla says:

    Loving miss bunny and all the other wonderful pictures too:)
    Cheers, Adla

  8. jessi nagy says:

    hey jenn!
    congrats on the zine! how cool is that!!!
    love all your new creations!!!
    love all your goodies too!
    im glad you like your little planter!
    you deserve it! have a wonderful b day week!

  9. sadie lou says:

    I hope you have a fabulous birthday! Thank you for loving my Betsy Girls…they love you. (They are very sweet)
    Thank you also for the wisdom and advice you shared with me.
    I appreciate it. That’s why I love our blog/flickr/etsy circle so much–all the support and friendship!

  10. Kelly says:

    your eggs are really pretty…and i love that cupid box! happy birthday!

  11. *Heidi* says:

    Hi Jenn!
    I loved your very first pictures…so crisp and clean and saying SPRING! I needed that this morning as I’m trying clean house! (When I want to be creating!!!) But I will be making nests soon enough (I’m in Heather’s nest swap)! All your pics are so cute and inspiring, thanks for sharing!
    I love the vintage baby bootie/container Jessi sent, it’s adorable! I used to collect and sell these on eBay! But I always hated to give them up, I should have kept them all!

  12. Judy says:

    Congrat on the zine and I hope you have a wonderful birthday! The eggs are adorable, you are so creative. I always enjoy coming to your blog!

  13. CJ Raymer says:

    Awwwwww! Jenn! You’re sooooo sweet! Thanks for sharing your award with me. I’ve been a bit under the weather, as you know. And, you’ve made feel so warm and fuzzy with your friendship. You’ve really made my evening!
    P.S. As usual, I LOVE your stuff!

  14. CJ Raymer says:

    Oh, and have a FABULOUS trip!!!!

  15. Gen says:

    LOVE your easter ornaments, they’re so prescious.

  16. Lori says:

    Jenn, i LOVE that cover~girl!!! VERY much:)
    your easter home looks so sweet, and your little egg girls are darling!!!

  17. Sarah Keith says:

    Oh! What fun things! Love your creations! Can’t wait to see all your other easter goodies around the house!

  18. Tiffany Cary says:

    Hi, I met you at Silver Bella. I am Jessi Nagy’s friend. I love your blog! I just started one of my own. I also love the Easter things you have made! So cute.

  19. Karla says:

    Hi Jenn,
    Those eggs are super cute! I see they sold right out. What yummy treasures you received from everyone. I’m really loving the previews of what’s to come for Easter!

  20. Oh, I can’t wait for spring either, your little egg creations are darling, Pinkie Denise

  21. Elly says:

    I love your easter-ornaments! They are so cute! And Miss Bunny is totally adorable!

  22. Nan says:

    Seriously now….send me your address…and Cheryl’s too…I have a hostess gift for each of you and I’m very, very late in sending it….I promise you’ll like it!!

  23. Hi Miss Jenn! HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! It’s the 14th in Australia!!!!
    We have tagged you for 7 Weird Facts tag! Come see! Jenn and Jacqui 🙂

  24. Kim Caldwell says:

    Thanks for the lovely inspirations for Spring! Jessi is seriously the BEST! Looking forward to seeing all the secret admirer’s tomorrow!

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