The Creative Connection

  1. Jennifer Grenko says:

    Jenn, Your booth! So precious! I want to see what you have left for purchase! Please put away a pink santa for me too if you have one! I know you girls had a wonderful, exhausting time!

  2. Hey love bug,
    what a fun weekend we had,
    The booth rocked!!!
    pure eye candy!!!
    Love ya sissy!!!

  3. dollybelle says:

    so pretty! So pink! I love it! You both did such a great job with the booth! Love those shoes boo!

  4. Suzanne says:

    Hey sweet Jenn ~
    It was a wonderful week and weekend with you and all the fabulous creative souls. Your work is precious and your booth delicious! If you need help unpacking…I’m around.

  5. Sonia says:

    I am green with envy!! LOL… Everything looks just amazing. The table, the smiles on everyones faces!! so glad you all enjoyed. I LOVE that pink gum ball machine =)
    Thanks Jenn for sharing!!

  6. I was wondering about how pink “pinky” was and now I see her! She is a beauty!! How fun!! What a trek you made. Forty hours is pure bragging rights and especially pulling a trailer!!!! So fun to see you and your gorgeous booth:)

  7. Kathy says:

    It looks like a beautiful and fun time!

  8. holly says:

    Jenn, everything is just perfect. Your table was absolutely dreamy and I’m sure there was a lot of gasping going on. You and Jessi look adorable… and you and Sherry too! So cute all of you! Thanks for the wonderful post – I feel like I was there.
    Big hugs,

  9. Thanks for your lovely comment Sonia!!! XOXO,Jenn

  10. Sylvia Smith says:

    Jenn, Love the Whole Thing!! So Beautiful! All of you girls look so pretty and happy. Wish I could have been there. Hope to see you soon! Love Sylvia

  11. cassandra says:

    WOW Jenn, your booth looked fabulous! I love that pink bubble gum machine! I was tellin my husband when my studio is built I simply must have a pink or blue bubble gum machine to fill with fun goodies. Looks like you had a wonderful time! xox Cassandra
    P.S wow that is a LONG drive! lol

  12. gabrielle says:

    Jenn, your booth was stunning! Like a sweet,surgar heaven! Everyone looks like they had such a great time…. and rocked some pretty cute outfits to boot! That is one long drive! I don’t think I could EVER do it! LOL xo

  13. Sandy says:

    Your booth looked scrumptous!!! Wish I could have seen it in person!! Cant wait till you list on etsy…I have been wanting to get one of your beautiful treasures for some time now…One day I will get lucky!!
    smiles and hugs,

  14. Tanya says:

    What an exciting event! Your booth looked beautiful and I just love your pink trailer.

  15. Karla says:

    What fun! Your booth was GORGEOUS! You did a fabulous job. Congrats on your first big vendor adventure!

  16. Awww…thank you Sandy!!! You are so so sweet! Ill be listing goodies shortly! Check back doll! Hugs!! XOXO,Jenn

  17. I am still smiling just thinking about our trip! We had alot of laughs & alot of stares pulling Miss Pinky all the way!LOL Although the trip was 19 hours each way, it went by fast!
    Your booth was the prettiest, pinkest and froufiest & was even better in person.
    I love all the great pictures you posted, especially of you and Jessi….the 2 daughters I never had! You know that I adore you both so much!
    See you Saturday for our little lunch!
    hugs, Sherry

  18. What a gorgeous booth – so pink and frilly – done up to the nines! Your pink wonderland is truly a sight to be seen with so much eye candy….can’t wait to see what you list in your shop!

  19. sadie says:

    oh just gorgeous!
    Now. Important things first. Are your red shoes the Louis Vuitton ones? I love them. I have the same pair in green (from Schuh, sadly not Louis ~ but a dashed good lookie likey!)
    I loved seeing all the photos. It always looks like such a good time when creative ladies get together. Love the pink trailer!

  20. Cathy says:

    What an awesome post. Thank you for letting us all live vicariously through you. I so wanted to attend this event. Your booth was 2DIE4. And, of course, the bunny bubble gum machine is my favorite! I think it sold already!! lol I’m so jealous. I can’t wait to see what’s coming on Etsy.
    Have a great time lunching with the ladies tomorrow. Kiss everyone and hug them for me.
    Great job!
    xo Cath

  21. Lee Laurie says:

    Your booth looked amazing! I know it was even prettier in person. Congrats on your first “BIG” show. I bet you did great.
    Lee Laurie

  22. Heidi Meyer says:

    Oh Gosh – you girls were so cute with Pinky! Your booth was incredible!!! Luvluvluv all of Sherry’s pretties! So glad you had a great show ~ will be missing you girls this weekend. xoxoxo H

  23. oh wow girl!!! you always floor me completely!!! your booth was seriously adorable, and so perfectly YOU! You and Jessi really are just like sisters!!!
    Sherry’s booth looked so lovely and frou frou too!
    That pink trailer kills me, it’s SO sweet!
    love ya xoxo

  24. Loved the post, all the eye candy was gorgeous, not only the stall but all your beautiful homemade goodies too.
    Everyone looked wonderful and look like they had such a great time and what a fab drive through the countryside, I can’t believe the miles you did !!! :-0
    Best wishes Ginny x
    (second attempt at trying to leave a comment … hope you get it :-))

  25. Katie Barker says:

    Your booth looks simply divine…..WELL DONE SWEETIE for going all that way to showcase your amazing talent….I wish I could have flown over from the UK for such an event it sounded brilliant! Big hugs and congrats x

  26. Thank you sweet sweet Heidi!!! Hugs!! XOXO,Jenn

  27. Jenn, your booth was GORGEOUS!! It looked so pretty & organized so beautifully!! LOVE the pink trailer… you guys look like you had a wonderful time. xoxo Heather

  28. Ginny, thank you for leaving a comment! I got it!!! YAY!!! Big hugs!! XOXO,Jenn

  29. Hugs Katie!!! Thank you doll for your lovely comment! 😉 XOXO,Jenn

  30. Georgie Parker says:

    What beautiful pictures! Thanks so much for sharing them all.

  31. Martha says:

    I loved your beautiful booth! I wanted to turn all of the lights out everywhere else and just sit in it! It was so nice to meet you. All of the gals you mentioned above were such a treat!

  32. Nancy says:

    Jenn, Everything looks Stunning! What a outstanding booth you created! I’ll be doing this next year and will be looking for someone seasoned to help me!! Waiting to see what you have left in your etsy shop. Thanks Jenn for Sharing your wonderful experience with us!!
    Huggs, Nancy

  33. Thank you Miss Heather!!!! 🙂 XOXO

  34. Hi Martha! So lovely to hear from you! It was great meeting you! Hopefully our paths will cross again. 😉 XO,Jenn

  35. Oh I am laughing at that pink trailer! I can only imagine the laughs you guy shared on that LONG ride! Your booth looked amazing! You never EVER skimp on the pretty details, Jenn, that’s for sure!!!

  36. Karla Nathan says:

    What elaborate and beautiful displays!! Wish I had been there. I’ll bet Sherry kept you giggling all the way up there, that girl is such a hoot.

  37. Yes, Miss Sherry definitely kept me in giggles! We had a ball! SHe made the trip 10x more fun. 😉 XO

  38. hey jenn,
    great to see you again!! and, just checking to see if you have the first chapter of that book written yet?!!??
    hugs from ny,

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