
"Design with a hint of elegance and a shimmer of magic."

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Wishing you a Merry Little Christmas!


Seasons Greetings!!!!!!! Are you all ready for the "BIG DAY"??? Well, it seems every year Christmas "sneaks" up on me like clockwork and Im running around last minute checking off my list trying to make sure all gifts are bought, wrapped, Christmas dinner menu planned, sweets baked, and Christmas cards in the mail! All the while rushing around trying desperatley to have MORE patience when out shopping amongst the rest of the world that in end leads to one beautiful peaceful day spent with just my family and celebrating the joy of Christmas! 

Of course Christmas is SO much about the children and being like most Mommies I have to take a million photos of my children. These times fly like a blink of an eye so I have to capture as much as I can!

Little Vivi Lou Who…… 🙂

DSCN5882   Grant has that "CHEEEEZE" face!


I have some cute photos to share with you of Grant and Vivian visiting Santa Claus at Bass Pro Shop of all places! Bass Pro had a wonderful Winter Wonderland set up for the kids this year. They have craft tables where children can color and paint, make reindeer hats, and decorate Christmas cookies. The children had a BALL!

This year Grant is ALL about Santa, but trying to get Vivian to sit in Santa's lap just wasnt going to happen!

Grant is telling Santa what he wants.


Soooo sweet!!!!


Vivi wanted nothing to do with Santa. We tried to get her to sit on his lap but she only cried and scream. The only way we could get a photo of Vivian and Santa was if he bribed her with a Candy Cane.



This photo melts my heart with Santa holding her hand while she looks up at him.

Grant LOVES choo-choo trains. Stole of a few shots of him looking at the train.



Mommy and Grant making a reindeer hat! 


Too bad they didnt have GLITTER!!!!




Meanwhile my daughter was taking NO intrest in crafts. She was ALL about the PINK mini ATV 4 wheeler. Somehow Im thinking my daughter is going to be a tomboy! hee! hee!


Grant decided to jump on as well. What a site!


These last photos are some cute shots of me and kids I took one afternoon in front of my favorite tree.



Christmas giggles and grins!




Thank you so much for paying me a visit! I want to wish you all a joyous and blessed Holiday season!!! I hope your holidays are full of love and sweet surprises!!!

DSCN6527_edited-1 copy

 Holiday hugs and kisses!



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Sparkling Magic Wishes!

December 22, 2008

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