Hello lovely friends! I would LOVE to introduce you to Miss Violet. Violet is a petite young gal that is all "dolled up" and ready for her first prom.
She looks like a soft dainty flower.
She wears the most DIVINE "borrowed" blingy jewelry! 😉
She is all set for her evening of twirling,dancing and acting giddy with the girls while chatting about the cute boys, and hoping she might be asked for a slow dance. She's a bit shy, but she'll say "yes".
Her pearl handbag has all her necessities. Gloves, compact, hankie, mini bottle of Chanel N5 and her calling card.
Miss Violet is anxious to try on all my pretty gowns and some fun wacky outfits that I might also own!
I have been oooh'ing and aaah'ing over so many gorgeous dress forms for the longest time that I finally decided to purchase one to display my beautiful vintage 1950's prom gown. This is what the form actually looks like.
Here is the gown that I purchased recentley this summer.
Moi modeling it!
I love this gown, but I CANT wear it! The dresses way back when were made for girls that are a size 0. I was hoping to wear this gown to Silver Bella, but it would take a miracle to squeeze in. So, Miss Violet has the happy honors of wearing it!!!!!! :) Miss Violet is delighted to meet you and looks forward to meeting your acquaintance again real soon!
I am so HONORED and THRILLED to announce that Sandy of My Lu Lu Belles as made my home her Jewel of the Month. Every month she features a beautiful and romantic home on a wonderful pictoral slideshow. I was very flattered that she asked me! If you have not visted Sandy's shop or blog. You MUST!!!! Sooo visually beautiful and dreamy!
I recently commissioned Miss Madai of Wren Cottage to make me a TWINKLE banner to display on my mirror. Im sure many of you might know Madai, but if you dont PLEASE stop by her blog. Omigosh she is truly one of the most sweetest gals I've recently had the pleasure of getting to know. Her blog is like stepping back into time. So beautiful, magical and calming!
Lookie at her beautiful banner. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
I've been a very busy gal between working on projects at home and a large custom order. I've been inspired to redecorate my family room a bit. Nothing big, but just small subtle changes. For instance, I've had this large birdcage for awhile and never really did anything with it. So, I decided to make a birdcage/light fixture/photo display.
Inside is a petite chandelier. I wrapped ivory lace around the birdcage and made delicate lace rhinestone clips to hold family photos.
This is a photo of the chandelier turned on. I had to use my flash in this photo because unfortunately the lighting does not turn out well without it.
Some close up shots of the details.
I love how it's not only beautiful but functional as well. 🙂
Some fun and WHIMSICAL things I have made as of late is a vintage doll head brooch for my super sweet friend Miss Natasha's birthday. Her name is Gigi and I dolled her up in Natasha's favorite colors of pink and green. She has the most killer blue eyes!!!
This sweet little ornament I just created for a babyshower I attended over the weekend. The Mother to be is expecting twin boys and I thought this would look sweet hanging in their nursery. If I had room I would have tried to fit two baby boys inside! 🙂
Lastly, between working on making goodie bags for Silver Bella, I am busy trying to create some super cute whimsical items for my Lollishop! I cant believe the launch date is creeping closer! Here is a lookie at some YUMMY giant glittery cupcake tags that Im making to sell. How stinking SWEET are these????
I promise to be making LOTS! They are so pretty and sweet I almost hate to part with them. LOL!!!
Thank you girliefriends for stopping by! I've been a bit out of touch lately because I've been REAL consumed with a rather LARGE but FABULOUS custom order that I cant WAIT to share with you all REAL soon! I hate feeling out touch with all my new and old blogging buddies, because you all keep me inspired, and I *ADORE* reading and seeing what is going in your lives. It's all a balancing act, and when things slow down I promise you will see more of me! ;)
Have a wonderful & creative week!!!!
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Sparkling Magic Wishes!
October 8, 2008
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