"Design with a hint of elegance and a shimmer of magic."

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YUM! YUM! Ice Cream & Cake ANYONE????? Today is my sweet baby boy Grant’s 3rd Birthday!!!!!


Today I decided to host a small intimate family party for my little fella. Being his b-day falls on a weekday we will be having a BLOW OUT birthday party this Saturday at Kangaroo Bob’s. It’s a HUGE indoor playground for sugar high overloaded children to run around and jump and slide on MONSTER bouncies. Thank heavens for places like this. Rather there than my house. 🙂  hee! hee!

I surprised him after preschool with balloons, gifts, and cake. Of course we have to wait for Daddy to get home before we open gifts and eat cake. He was soo dissapointed. It was killing him to have to wait for Daddy to get home from work. Here he is waiting and waiting….. He RARELY left the table!


Counting paper plates and still waiting for Daddy…. notice the crown is now upside down.


YEAH!!! Daddy is home!!!! Look at this MOTLEY crew???? My hubby looks goofy, Grant (wearing his crown upside down) isnt even looking at the camera, and it’s a miracle that Vivian has pulled off her party hat yet.


Mommy & birthday boy!


Time for gifts!!! RIP!!!! Sister get’s in on the action!


WHOO-HOO! Serious outside fun! Yipee for Mom! His room is overloaded with toys now that Im constantly picking up. This will be perfect for outdoors along with his SUMMER HIT monster waterslide.


Love the sweater Grandma! He’s thinking "NEXT gift!" hee! hee!


TIME FOR CAKE!!!! He’s a HUGE fan of Nemo.


Ready Mom! Im sure he’s thinking "How many more pictures???"



Make a wish!!!!


Blowin’ out the candles and so is Daddy! What a hoot!


Now for a REAL laugh! After wanting cake ALL day long. I finally cut him a piece and he takes one bite, and decides he doesnt wan’t it! I SWEAR my son does NOT have my sugar gene! I LOVE sweets! Some people love salt or sugar. Im a sugar girl! My son doesn’t care for cookies or cake. Occasionally he will eat ice cream. Anyhoo, looks like I’ll have alot of cake left over. The BIG party is this Sat, so Im sure I’ll have more fun b-day pics to share with ya!  🙂


A BIG reminder for those that are participating in the swap to PLEASE mail your gifts by the deadline. We want to make sure everyone has their gifts by V-day. Cheryl and I both will have a full list of names of who is participating along with their blog links, so you can have fun searching and looking for your secret admirer. If you DONT have a blog, please forward us pics of your goodies you created so we can post them on our blogs. Im DYING to see what everyone created. Im super excited to show off my swap goodies I made for my admirer.

This girl has a very busy week ahead with planning birthday parties. (Vivi’s 1st is right around the corner), crafting and "gearing up" for Easter creations, and planning for my Colorado ski trip in which I leave for this Sunday. Our good friends with whom we went to New Orleans with own a condo here. EEEK! Must be nice!!! I’ve only skied ONCE, and it’s been many years. This is going to be an interesting trip to say the least. Pray I dont break any bones! LOL!!! 


Last but not least I want to THANK the oooooh so sweet Lori aka Faerie Window for sending me this beautiful heart pillow. THANK YOU!!! XO


Wishing you ALL sweet friends a WONDERFUL & creative week! XOXO,  

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Sparkling Magic Wishes!

February 4, 2008

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